The Cathay Pacific app lets you book flights, manage current flights, check in, get your boarding pass, view your departure times and get details of connecting flights and much more. Cathay offers a personalized experience, inviting you to log in so the app can save past searches, provide you with special offers near your location, managing your miles and your tier status and keep you up to date on your upcoming flights.

Cathay Pacific mobile

On the homepage, Cathay invites you to book an upcoming flight. Like other apps, Cathay does not allow for multi-city destinations. You are able to book for more than one person, including children and infants. You can sort your results by earliest departure, earliest arrival, shortest duration or least expensive. You can also sort by time of day the flight leaves. Cathay notifies the lowest fare with a small red arrow in the corner of the lowest price option. You will be updated of a flight summary but not of prices before you input your information. The app does allow you to see a layout of the plane and seating chart when you are choosing your seats during the booking process. Cathay does allow you to securely store credit card information for more convenient check out time during booking. Load time is slow while booking flights on Cathay Pacific.

Cathay Pacific mobile booking

If you are still in the planning stage, you can use the Flight Timetable tool to view flights for your selected destinations. The app will save previous searches so you can return to it at any time in the future as you are planning your travel. If you want to check the status of a flight within four days, you can use the Flight Status tool.

You can find upcoming deals for your local areas using the Cathay Pacific app. they list featured offers for the area on your home page. They provide you with offer dates and details and allow you the ability to claim the offer and book your flight right from the app.

Cathay Pacific offered a unique benefit of monitoring and keeping you informed of travel alerts within the app. You are able to get the details of the alert and learn what flights or areas are most impacted by the alert.

Cathay Pacific mobile travel alerts

You can check into your flight and download your boarding pass using the Cathay Pacific app. The app does not integrate with the Apple Watch but you download your boarding pass to your Passbook. The app also allows you to access the app even when you are not connected to WiFi.

We ran into frequent problems with Cathay Pacific during our test. The app froze and closed out several times while we were browsing in it. The app offers limited options but the tools that were included, such as flight booking, check-in and viewing offers, were all smooth, and navigation was intuitive – when the app was not freezing mid-search. Overall, this app has space to grow but frequent Cathay Pacific fliers will enjoy it.

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